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Farmers for the Future, Future for the Farmers

Farmers for the Future, Future for the Farmers wants to spread our initiatives in giving hope for the farmers and assisting them in any way we can. We believe that a single action and effort can greatly impact a community, and with the help of many it can bring a difference in the world. Through numerous programs, fundraising, and outreach activities, the organization works hard to provide necessary assistance to hardworking farmers to ensure their future as well as the future of the community.


Want to help? Send our farmers some support through our donation channel!

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The Future is Within Us

A Distinct Identity

Farmers for the Future, Future for the Farmers knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. We realized that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch this organization

Home: Who We Are


Want to take part in our advocacy?

Seed of Life Initiative

This initiative requires us to gather necessary funding to support the farmers by giving them seeds for them to be able start farming again. The seeds that will be given to them is according to their liking whether it’ll be corn, rice, peanut, and any other seeds.

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Farmers' Farmacy

Illnesses can surely slow down anyone’s performance, and farmers are no exception. But through the Farmer’s Farmacy program of Farmers for the Future, Future for the Farmers, we are able to provide medicine for farmers all around the country at their request.


Agricultural and Farming Training

This program will supplement and help build a community of farmers with adequate equipment and more advanced skill set to flourish not just one’s ability but as a whole.



We greatly believe that education is for everyone.

The Scholarseed program of the Farmers for the Future, Future for the farmers grant scholarship for the deserving children of smallholder farmers that is willing to take agricultural courses.

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About Us

A Bit of Background

Here at Farmers for the Future, Future for the Farmers, we recognize the expanding significance of rightfully supporting our country's food providers, as they receive less than what their hard work's worth. Our collective envisions a sustainable community that uplifts farmers' efforts and assists in their livelihood through our benefactor channels and creative joints.

Home: Who We Are
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